About Us
EcoPower Lanka Engineering (Private) Limited established in 2013 is a leading solar energy solution provider in Sri Lanka and has evolved from a Company known as Energy & Power Development (Pvt.) Ltd EPDPL. Who have provided installation services for power generation and distribution systems in Sri Lanka for more than two decades. EPDPL represents Alstom France, a major European designer and manufacturer of power equipment.
Power & Energy
Solar Panel Planting
Solar Engineering
Inverter Mechanical Engineering
Inverter repairing
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Why Choosing Us!
evolved from a Company known as Energy & Power Development (Pvt.) Ltd EPDPL. Who have provided installation services for power generation and distribution systems in Sri Lanka for more than two decades. EPDPL represents Alstom France, a major European designer and manufacturer of power equipment.
Our Services
Performance of solar power system primarily depends on good quality solar modules (commonly known as “solar panels”) and Inverters.
“High efficient modules do not spell out cost effective solutions to the end users” in order to offer the best solutions,
We have prudently selected modules with highest “performance ratio” which can perform under ambient conditions.
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